What are dreams for


This article is amediareview of the New Yorker article I read 2023-09-17. For my take on the question see… well, nowhere, bc I don’t have a page for it yet, womp womp. Backlink: Musings on everything else


Neat factoids:

  • Modern science suggests that body twitches are not triggered by the brain and received by the body but the reverse: we twitch as a calibration mechanism by which our brain can better sense the body.
    • Supporting evidence: rat pups whose eyes aren’t developed enough to have never seen anything still twitch their eyes
    • Also, electrical impulses in the brain occur after body twitches.
  • People with schizophrenia are capable of tickling themselves because they cannot distinguish self from other.
    • Dreamers are the same way; if you wake someone during REM sleep, they too can tickle themselves as they come awake, presumably because they can’t distinguish self from other.
  • REM sleepers can’t (easily) have their dreams influenced (the article doesn’t really elaborate on this)
    • But tests were run on sleepers where they’re exposed to scents and even sights — they pull their eyes open — and the sleepers’ dreams didn’t react accordingly