My terminal setup
publish Opened 2024-04-12. Although this is mostly from September 24, 2018. Related to My tech setups.
Basic setup is iTerm 2 + zsh. I also added:
- oh-my-zsh ← super popular framework for managing your zsh configuration
- zsh-autosuggestions ← just what it sounds like
- spaceship-prompt ← awesome theme for zsh
- onedark.vim ← OneDark theme for the whole shell, not just vim
- FiraCode font ← monospaced font with programming ligatures
I use the basic .vimrc but added 2 extra lines:
set number (to show line numbers)
set ttyfast (to scroll faster)
Also, I installed vim-plug to manage my vim plugins:
- vim-polyglot ← a collection of language packs for Vim
And I also installed OneDark color theme from the theme I linked above.
Lastly, in my .zshrc:
alias ll="ls -alh"