Chez Maman

publish Part of a series on The best burger in the bay area.

French restaurant near my place in Hayes Valley which sells burgers too. It’s 1 block over from another burger place, Arbor. Visited here 2024-05-26 with Barak.

It was $16 (+$6 for swiss and mushrooms) and came with fries/salad (I got half and half). 8oz burger.

Hard to rate this objectively because I modified the burger, but I felt it was a solid example of the mushroom and swiss archetype. The bun wasn’t rich or buttered in any way, which I preferred and appreciated, although it was served on this really chewy ciabatta roll that I wish had been not a ciabatta roll.

So unusualness is between a 0.5-1 because:

  • Ciabatta (+0.5)
  • Mushrooms/swiss (+0.5) - can be removed next time

The beef was very nice. Seems like it was ground inhouse.

So, ratings:

Total: 7 Unusualness: 1 (but can be less) Price: $22 (but can be less)