Publishing this vault

publish #needswork - Polish pass Opened 2022-02-03 (whoa, a while ago). Related to the Obsidian art project, kind of.

It’d be nice to have my thoughts leave my brain instead of gathering dust here. This note will track the status of that project.


  • 2024-05-29: Finished tagging entries A-B
  • 2024-05-30: Finished entries 0-9 and part of C.
  • 2024-05-31: Finished C-D and started on E!
  • 2024-06-04: Finished up thru I after a post work couch session of tagging.
  • 2024-06-05: Finished J-K on the train.
  • 2024-06-06: Finished 90% of the Ms (there are a lot)
  • 2024-06-07: Started O.
  • 2024-06-09: Cut downmaybepublish entries 4024.
  • 2024-06-18: js I was done with up to “stuff you the reader”. Finished S.
  • 2024-06-20: Got through part of T. There’s a lot of “The” articles so I’ll be at this letter a while …
  • 2024-06-23: Finished T-U at the Commons!
    • I’m sensing manypublish articles that are incomplete. Rather than hold up publishing this vault until I fix them, I’ll make a snap decision about publishing each, and appendneedswork to any that, well, need work.
  • 2024-06-25: Finished midway through W, up to what makes a good recommendation engine.
    • My writing used to be phenomenal. Maybe it still is and I need to draw it out.
  • 2024-07-07: Finished tagging all the entries at the Commons. Here’s a snapshot of the stats:
  • 2024-09-06: First working version of the note-copying code.
    • Noticed some bugs and added a section below to track them.
    • 11pm: Published!

Test cases

Known bugs / missing features

Last updated 2024-09-06:

  • The % character messes up links. For example, 40% of VC spending goes to Google and Meta breaks.
  • Embedded images don’t exist
  • “Random” page is not yet implemented
  • The newline after “#publish”
  • Stylesheet improvements
    • Should distinguish between outgoing link and one that keeps users within the Perdicis garden.
    • No stylesheets (though idk if I want any, some margin is probably enough)

2024-05-26: OK, I’m actually going to do it.

OK, what would publishing actually look like Previously I was usingnopublish.


  • publish … I think publishing should be opt-in, and definitely not the default state of an article
  • maybepublish

Update (2024-05-23): Interesting idea from Dennis over dinner: what if I left my private files encrypted at rest? And give visitors a key to unscramble the files?

  • If I don’t use a fixed ciphertext length, it wouldn’t mean extra loading times for users
  • Main thing is just keeping it safe from scrapers.

Technically speaking

Quartz has a collection of cool formats. These people seem to call their vaults “gardens” though.

Honestly, Quartz seems kind of slow. It’d be nicest to use something like gatsby.js to preload all the md content and display it on command, instead of loading as needed.

Managing my private writing

I’d like to keep some of my thoughts unpublished until I feel ready to launch them. I will plan to tag such sensitive pages withnopublish.


So what if I had the main site page randomly pluck 3 entries for someone to start from?

Maybe allowing search-by-tags.

As of 2022-06-21 it seems I may actually do this as part of Perdicis website! See To-dos section.