Avalon friend playstyles

publish Also see: Avalon


  • Clean Merlin
  • Fail first unless order issue
  • Absolutely ruthless; has thrown a new player under the bus
  • If making absurd statements late into the game, probably playing good and believes he has identified Merlin and is trying to cover
    • Will get noticeably heated when people don’t listen at this point
  • As good, will accuse Merlin of being evil to cover
  • As Percival, will say “X can figure it out” to throw heat onto the wrong person.
  • As Merlin, is ok asking Morgana to join teams. Reasoning is that he can later prove himself to be the good.


  • Dirty Merlin
  • Prefers Percival and assassin


  • As evil, when threatened with being not picked, will try to logic out


  • Very chill
  • As good, when threatened with not being picked, won’t really fight it too hard but will self advocate in a chill tone


  • If playing dumb, evil


  • If making eye contact and checking with individual people, probably evil or at least untrustworthy servant.


  • Dirty Merlin


  • As evil, typically interjects accusations or statements to be on the team.
  • As good, even role card good, pretty quiet.


  • Will run past timer and take a long time to decide regardless of playing good or evil.
  • “How about you put my co-evil on the team?”