The best burger in the bay area

publish Using My food rating system to set ratings. All burgers are cooked medium rare where possible.


RestaurantOverall RatingUnusualness FactorPrice
Miller and Lux8.5/102.5$26
Gott’s Roadside7.25/102$15
The Grove5/101$18
4505 Burgers & BBQ9/100.25$16
Super Duper Burgers7/100$11
Bacon Bacon7.25/100$16
Amy’s Drive Thru6.5/105$10
Local Kitchen & Wine Merchant8.75/101$22
Kitchen Story7.5/101.25$23
True Food Kitchen10/101.75$19.5
Son and Garden2.5/105$32
W6 Cafe2/100$0
SPRO Coffee Lab7.5/101.75$13
The Fly Trap3/100$19
Chez Maman7/101$22

Philosophy behind these ratings

It’s hard to rate a burger definitively “X/10” because burgers have a wide variety of ingredients and degrees of fanciness - you’re often not comparing the same type of burger to the next.

In general, my philosophy is that the “X/10” rating should only indicate how much I liked the burger. Points aren’t docked for ingredients, nor price point, nor whether the burger came with fries - however it’s still good to surface all these things so I include a second “unusualness factor” rating in each review denoting roughly how far the burger being reviewed deviates from staple ingredients. Also, while not noted in the table, I mention in each review whether the burger comes with fries.

My guidelines for for unusualness ratings:

  • +5 is the default unusualness factor for plant-based burgers since by forgoing meat, a restaurant is already pushing the definition of a burger.
  • Unusual but not unheard of toppings like fried egg or arugula earn a +1 unusualness factor each (exceptions made for tiny variations like a noticeably seeded bun, pickles, caramelized onions, or mushrooms: +0.5 instead).
  • Very unusual toppings like Brie cheese earn a minimum +1.5 unusualness factor each.
  • Strange lack of default toppings like cheese earns somewhere between +0-0.5 unusualness.

Example rating from the Spruce review:

2.75/10 unusualness due to:

  • Taleggio (+1.5)
  • English muffin bun (+1)
  • Pickled onion (+0.25 as onions are staple but it’s unusual to pickle them)


Burger-related but I haven’t written about yet: Warren’s long burgers

Found 2023-04-30: The best SF burgers, according to /r/AskSF