Bryan Johnson finishes his last meal at 11am

publish #mediareview Opened 2023-07-06.

Relevant to The experience of having ADHD and especially The ADHD werewolf.

In a 2020 post on Medium titled “I fired myself” Johnson wrote that he was regularly binging on carbs and sugar between 5 to 10 p.m. “Evening Bryan,” as Johnson called his alter ego in the post, “overate and gained more than fifty pounds, fueling relentless shame, guilt and malaise.” Johnson wrote that this behavior had repercussions on his mood, sleep, and performance. “In short, Evening Bryan was making life miserable for all Bryans,” he wrote. “So, a year ago, I fired Evening Bryan from his shift, revoking his authority to make food consumption decisions.” Since then only “Morning Bryan” is authorized to make decisions on when, what, and how much to eat, Johnson wrote.

How fascinating. This guy experiences the ADHD werewolf too, but he’s leveraged it as a personal brand. Bryan’s solution of taming the werewolf is basically an extreme version of my cold turkey/Type A solution.